Saturday, December 10, 2011

Binary Option Newbie

It wasn't until just recently that I learned about Binary Options. Ironically, I wasn't even looking for stock info at the time. I was actually participating in one of those "pay-to-view-ads" sites, and it showed me an ad for a site talking about options trading. So I clicked it, hoping it wouldn't take to long to get a few measly cents for viewing the add, when it caught my attention.

From there I spent all night trying to learn about Options Tradng and where I could get involved. I learned the good, the bad and the gray. The good being that you can invest small amounts (like $10 to $30) and that it's not as risky as your average stocks. The bad being that there are all sorts of bells and whistles that can be used either to help you make more money, but usually just ends up taking your money. The gray area, for me at least, include the fact that the Rothschild's happen to have made much of their fortunes on out-dated versions of binary options trading. It's in the gray area, because I consider it amazing that someone could find such success through binary options, but I also find myself a bit repulsed at the idea of playing a money game that the likes of the worlds elite are involved in. Seriously, it may seem silly to some, but that notion almost turned me away from binary options all together.

Though my little voice of reason stood out and decided that stocks and binary options are tools, and tools are only dangerous in the hands of some. For others, they can be used for amazing endeavors that help instead of hurt others. So when I make my millions (haha), I will follow my original plan if I ever made lots of money, where I will make sure to give back and help entrepreneurs in need. It's something I wish someone would do for me now, and a way that could truly help our world.

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